, News

Reconstruction work at Baumgarten natural gas station

On 13 March, Gas Connect Austria will recommission the first section of the equipment destroyed in the accident at the Baumgarten gas hub on 12…

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, Press

Incident at Baumgarten Natural Gas Station

International gas transport system restored

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Gas Connect Austria optimises organisational structure of Austrian gas market

Functions of market area manager (MAM) and distribution area manager to be merged at the initiative of Gas Connect Austria

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, News

OMV completes the sale of a 49% minority stake in Gas Connect Austria to Allianz and Snam

2016-12-15 OMV completes sale of minority stake of GCA

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, News

Important step forward in the GCA Mosonmagyaróvár project

Gas Connect Austria takes an important step forward to bring gas volumes from new sources to Baumgarten.

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, Press

Launch of Within-Day-Capacity Marketing

Shorter-term booking for natural gas transportation capacity now available

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, News

Launch of Wind To Hydrogen facility

This News are only available in german.

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, Press

Interconnector BACI

Launch of market survey on demand for natural gas transportation capacity at Austrian-Czech interconnector.

2015-05-12 Press release BACI Market…

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, Press

New structures at the Trans Austria Gas pipeline

TAG GmbH was recently certified as an independent transmission system operator (ITO) by E-Control on the basis of the EU’s Third Energy Package. This…

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, Press

Gas Connect Austria GmbH launches Incremental Capacity Pilot on PRISMA

The Austrian TSO GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH will auction firm incremental capacity via the European Capacity Platform PRISMA in March this year.


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