Distribution Network
The Natural Gas Act 2011 has turned part of our network into level 1 distribution systems. In addition to the branch stations at TAG and WAG, these are the connections of the Baumgarten and Auersthal points with Netz Niederösterreich GmbH and Wiener Netze GmbH in particular. As a result, the old name ‘Primärverteilungssystem’ (Primary Distribution System) now makes sense again.
Gas Connect Austria is a combined operator according to section 118 of the Gaswirtschaftsgesetz (Natural Gas Act). As well as operating transmission pipelines, Gas Connect Austria is also responsible for an important part of the Austrian distribution network. Our Sales Distribution Department is responsible for providing and marketing the gas transportation capacity used to serve our Austrian home market – specifically, the Market Area East.
The following pages contain further information on how this regulated market is organised and the services provided by Gas Connect Austria.
Kindly note that our General Terms and Conditions of Distribution Networks are available in German only and contracts you may want to enter with us as distribution system operator have to be made in German language. References made to and quotations of English translations of Austrian Law are for your convenience only. Gas Connect Austria does not provide these translations and expressly declines any responsibility and liability for their correctness or usefulness.
Distribution system
General information
System admission and system access
Our services