Employee safety
Sending everyone who works at or for Gas Connect Austria home safe at night
This is the target we set for all of our operations and projects. We have compiled a set of safety regulations in order to assure the safety of our own and our contractors’ staff. You will receive a copy of the regulations when you submit your tender, and they are an integral part of the contract. In other words, contractors are subject to the same rigorous safety regulations as our own staff. We also carry out regular safety inspections.
The key points in a nutshell
- The minimum protective equipment required comprises anti-static, flame-retardant clothing, a safety helmet, and conductive S3 safety shoes.
- All employees receive a safety induction by means of a film, followed by a short test.
- All instructions from Gas Connect Austria staff and contractors must be followed.
- You must obtain a work permit before carrying out the work (please allow time for this).
- Gas Connect Austria must be informed immediately of any incidents.
Depending on the nature of the work to be carried out, our guidelines for working in the vicinity of gas pipelines (Sicheres Arbeiten im Nahbereich von Erdgasleitungsanlagen – German only) may apply.