Gas-fired power stations

A quick and effective transition to renewable energy sources will not be possible without gas-fired power stations. Because a dependable back-up is essential to balance out fluctuations in wind and solar power output.

The most suitable candidates to take on this role are gas-fired power stations, which can quickly provide the balancing energy required to meet peak load demand. Such power plants can be brought online in just 15 minutes. Gas and steam turbine power plants are particularly efficient: during the power generation process, gas turbines produce waste heat that can drive downstream steam turbines. As a result, over 80% of the energy contained in the feedstock can be used. The process also generates less CO2 than other fossil fuel power stations.

Gas – an essential part of the energy mix

In Austria, expansion of the network of 59 gas-fired power stations is currently planned. This is in line with the World Energy Outlook published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The IEA forecasts that investment in renewables will increase sharply, as will gas consumption. Gas is a versatile energy source – it can be used to produce heat and electricity, and in industry and the transport sector. The high level of available storage capacity means gas can make an outstanding contribution to security of supply. On that subject: gas can also step in when too much electricity is generated. Power-to-gas facilities transform excess electricity into hydrogen and methane, which can be injected into the gas grid or stored. 

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