A natural gas transit partner you can rely on.
Our transportation services involve conveying natural gas, destined for consumption abroad, from an entry point to the Virtual Trading Point and from the Virtual Trading Point to an exit point marketed by Gas Connect Austria. The services are offered on a firm or interruptible basis.
Please note that for the actual rendering of the services provided by Gas Connect Austria, contractual agreements between the system user and other market participants (distribution area manager, market area manager, balance group responsible , etc.) are additionally required under the terms of the Natural Gas Act 2011(Gaswirtschaftsgesetz 2011) and the Gas Market Model Ordinance 2012 (Gas-Marktmodell-Verordnung 2012, GMMO-VO). These contractual arrangements shall be the sole responsibility of the system user.
Gas Connect Austria actively operates on the following Entry and Exit Points:
Primary Market
Physical entry points:
- Baumgarten GCA (border to Slovakia)
- Baumgarten WAG (border to Slovakia)
- Überackern ABG (border to Germany)
- Überackern SUDAL (border to Germany)
- Storage Point 7Fields
- Oberkappel (border to Germany)
Physical exit points:
- Mosonmagyaróvár (border to Hungary)
- Überackern ABG (border to Germany)
- Überackern SUDAL (border to Germany)
- Murfeld (border to Slovenia)
- Petrzalka (border to Slovakia)
- Storage Point 7Fields
- Baumgarten WAG (border to Slovakia)
- Oberkappel (border to Germany)
Non-Physical entry points:
- Mosonmagyaróvár (border to Hungary)
- Murfeld (border to Slovenia)
- Petrzalka (border to Slovakia)
Secondary Market
Capacities at the decisive points Baumgarten and Arnoldstein.
Gas Connect Austria offers attractive solutions for transiting natural gas across Austria on both the primary and the secondary market. We are constantly working with our customers and other system operators to develop new services aimed at enhancing the service quality.