Capacity Utilization (CU)
The easy way to manage and allocate capacities online as well as to submit web-nominations – user friendly and free of charge
Gas Connect Austria’s CU is an secure online tool for capacity holder as well as capacity user to manage their capacities.
In the CU you can:
- Administrate the GCA registration process
- Manage capacity allocation
- Submit online inquiries for MAB capacities
- Receive quotations and contracts online for MAB capacities
- Perform First-Come-First-Serve (Fall Back) bookings
- Surrender capacity online
- Submit web-nominations
- Change within day allocations for long-term contracts
- Receive customised information on maintenance activities
- Customise newsletter according to your interests
- Request our balance group responsible services
- Create capacity conversion requests
Registration via 2-factor-authentification and use of the system are free of charge.
Please refer to our legal notice regarding the CU system: