Overview of the legislation for gas and hydrogen
The Austrian gas transmission network can make a significant contribution to the climate-neutral energy future by transporting hydrogen and biomethane…

Gas Market: This is how satisfied our customers are
Gas Connect Austria regularly carries out customer satisfaction surveys - with consistently very good results. How do they come about and how do they…

Hydrogen core grid
GCA welcomes the draft application for the German hydrogen core network and emphasises the need for feed-in capacity at the cross-border transfer…

E-World 2024
Meet us at “the leading trade fair for the energy industry”, E-World 2024 on February 20th and 21st in Essen, Germany. You can find us in the HYDROGEN…

The H2 Backbone WAG + PW project enters PCI list
Vienna, 28 November 2023 - With the "H2 Backbone WAG + Penta-West" project, Gas Connect Austria is aiming to convert the West Austria Gas Pipeline…

SoutH2 Corridor entered the 6th PCI list
The European Commission today adopted the sixth list of energy Projects of Cmmon Interest (PCI) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMI). The SoutH2…

Gas Connect Austria zu "Inbetriebnahme WAG Loop"
Von einigen Seiten wird eine Beschleunigung des WAG-Loop-Projektes und dessen Fertigstellung bis zum ersten Quartal 2025 angedacht. GCA erläutert, was…

The European Commission’s REPowerEU has identified Biomethane as a renewable lever for Europe’s decarbonisation and security of supply.

ENTSOG Winteroutlook
ENTSOG publishes its Winter Supply Outlook 2023/24 including an analysis for summer 2024.

Customer Survey 2023
To guarantee we meet your expectations and consistently enhance our services, we depend on your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us by…