, Press

EHB publishes five potential hydrogen supply corridors to meet Europe’s accelerated 2030 hydrogen goals

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  • To deliver the accelerated 2030 hydrogen demand & supply targets set by the REPowerEU plan, five…
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7.7 TWh of gas procured for Austria's strategic gas reserve

The Austrian market and distribution area manager AGGM announced that 7.7 TWh of gas was procured for Austria's strategic gas reserve via its…

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Statement GCA on the judgements on the occasion of the Baumgarten incident of December 12, 2017

The employees of Gas Connect Austria as well as the company itself were acquitted of all charges today.

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ENTSOG publishes its Annual Report 2021 and two Monitoring Reports

ENTSOG publishes its Annual Report 2021 and Implementation and Effect monitoring reports for the Balancing Network Code (BAL NC) and Tariff Network…

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European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) launches its website to share the latest infrastructure maps

Now the EHB has launched a dedicated website for the consortium. The website provides a resource of all previous publications of the initiative, as…

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, Press

European Hydrogen Backbone grows

European Hydrogen Backbone grows to meet REPowerEU’s 2030 hydrogen targets and develops 28,000 km in 2030 and 53,000 km in 2040, now covering 28…

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, News

Power-to-gas concept from APG and GCA makes important contribution to energy transition

Austria is to become climate-neutral by 2040. In order to achieve this challenging goal, renewable energy sources must be massively expanded and, in…

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, News

Information on the current gas market situation

In view of the current situation we would like to inform you about the role of Gas Connect Austria and provide links to further information.

As a…

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, News

European Hydrogen Backbone initiative adds six new members and sets its agenda for 2022

The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative announces the expansion of its membership base now reaching 29 operators and continues its activities…

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, News, Press

Gas Connect Austria's view on the EU decarbonisation package

On December 15, 2021, the European Commission presented the long-awaited decarbonisation package for the gas market. The package includes proposals to…

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