New gas transmission tariff scheme to come into force in January 2013

The Austrian energy regulatory authority, the E-Control Regulation Commission, determined new gas transmission system charges by order on 18 September. A flexible entry/exit capacity reservation system will come into effect on 1 January 2013, replacing the current point-to-point system. As a result, the charges will no longer be distance based. Shippers will instead pay rates applicable at the various entry/exit points on the transmission grid.

The changeover is required to implement the EU’s third energy package, aimed at further liberalising the continent’s gas markets.  Importantly, tariffs will remain unchanged for the next few years – as under the existing system – providing a stable and predictable operating environment for gas shippers. Maintaining the incentives to invest in heavily used transportation routes will also be vital.

In line with its customer and market-centred approach, Gas Connect Austria is committed to maximising service quality. All existing contracts will be transferred to the new tariff model in good time. Gas Connect Austria aims to make the transition to the new system as smooth as possible for all of its customers and partners.