Launch of Within-Day-Capacity Marketing

Shorter-term booking for natural gas transportation capacity now available

On 13 October 2015, Austrian natural gas transmission and distribution system operator Gas Connect Austria launched the marketing of within-day transportation capacity for the gas day starting from 06:00 a.m., 14 October to 06:00 a.m., 15 October. Within-day capacity means that system users are now able to book hourly capacity on the transmission network for the remainder of a particular gas day.


Continuing trend towards short-term booking

"The introduction of within-day marketing provides our customers with an attractive option tailored to the requirements of an ever more rapidly changing market," explained Gas Connect Austria Managing Director Harald Stindl. In the past few years there have been indications of a shift towards short-term capacity booking, meaning periods of less than one year. Almost all newly marketed transportation capacity is booked on a day-ahead basis.


Over 22,000 auctions completed

Since April 2013 Gas Connect Austria has been allocating free capacity on its network through the European Capacity Platform PRISMA. Well over 22,000 auctions have been completed to date. In addition to annual, quarterly, monthly and daily capacity, Gas Connect Austria’s portfolio now also includes within-day capacity – an attractive product that enables the company to respond even more quickly and flexibly to customers’ needs.

2015-10-15 Press Release Launch of Within-Day-Capacity Marketing